Getting Started 1-13Quick HelpThe Home screen provides a getting started item. You can quickly accessmost-needed settings from here.Tap getting started on the Home screen. Brush left or right to see availableitems such as ringtone, e-mail, Bluetooth headset, and others. Tap the itemyou want to set up. To obtain information on using the device, tap View Allin the toolbar and Online help & how-to. (Internet connection is required.)Synchronizing with YourComputerActiveSync and Windows Mobile Device Center (WMDC) provide an easy wayto synchronize data on a Windows-based computer with your device.ActiveSync works on computers that have the Windows XP operatingsystems. WMDC works only on computers that have Windows Vista orWindows 7/Windows 8.ActiveSync and WMDC act as gateways between your device and yourcomputer for transferring Outlook e-mail, appointments, contacts, andtasks, and media such as pictures, music, and videos. You can also use theExplore feature in either program to move files or programs from yourcomputer to your device.Installing ActiveSync or WMDCIf you’re using Windows XP or earlier versions of Windows, download andinstall the latest ActiveSync. If you’re using Windows Vista or Windows7/Windows 8, download and install the latest Windows Mobile DeviceCenter. (Visit the Microsoft website to download the program and to obtainoperating instructions.)