Basic Skills 2-3 TapTouch the screen once with the stylus toopen items and select options. DragHold the stylus on the screen and dragacross the screen to select text and images.Drag in a list to select multiple items. Tap and holdTap and hold the stylus on an item to seea list of actions available for that item.On the shortcut menu that appears, tapthe action you want to perform.Screen-touch gestures make it easier tonavigate your device. Gestures you can useare: ScrollBrush up or down on the touchscreen with the stylus, and lift the stylusoff when you reach the edge. To stop scrolling, tap the screen. PanPlace the stylus on the screen and move it around for more controllednavigation. To stop panning, tap the screen.NOTE: Not all applications support screen-touch gestures.Using the KeypadYou can also use the keypad to navigate on the screen. (See “Keypad” inChapter 1 for information.)