6-28 More ProgramsTacLinkThe TacLink program receives GPS satellite signals to calculate the locationof your device. You can also record a NMEA log file for the use of otherapplications.NOTE: TacLink only supports NMEA format. TacLink will not start if youhave set the GPS output format to Binary Mode in Settings System GPS Mode for the need of third party programs.Running TacLinkTo run the program, tap TacLink.A message appears if positioning is not completed in 10 minutes.To exit the program, tap Exit at the bottom left of the screen.Shows the overheadsatellite positions.Shows the signal strengthof the satellites.Shows the result of GPSpositioning. A minimum of4 GPS satellite signals isneeded to calculate yourGPS position.A red X indicates logging is notactivated. No X indicates logging isactivated.This icon appears only if SBASis enabled. (See the nextsection for information.)