Basic Skills 2-3Screen-touch gestures make it easier to navigate your device. Gestures youcan use are: ScrollBrush up or down on the touchscreen with the stylus, and lift the stylusoff when you reach the edge. To stop scrolling, tap the screen. PanPlace the stylus on the screen and move it around for more controllednavigation. To stop panning, tap the screen.NOTE: Not all applications support screen-touch gestures.Using the KeypadYou can also use the keypad to navigate on the screen. (See “Keypad” inChapter 1 for information.)Home ScreenThe Home screen appears whenever you turn on your device after shutting itdown or resume the operation after 4 hours of inactivity.The Home screen provides shortcuts tofrequently-used features. It shows informationsuch as your appointments, missed calls, andunread messages, and provides quick access toyour music, pictures, and other applications.All items are displayed in a scrollable list and theitem in the center is always the active item. Brushup or down on the screen to see more items.When an item is active, it displays additionalinformation and action(s) you can take. Whenthere is more than one action, you can brush leftor right within the item to see the next orprevious action.