Using BIOS Setup and System Recovery 5-9Exit MenuThe Exit menu displays ways of exiting BIOS Setup Utility. After finishingwith your settings, you must save and exit so that the changes can takeeffect.Main Advanced Security Boot ExitExit Saving ChangesExit Discarding ChangesLoad Setup DefaultsDiscard ChangesSave ChangesItem Specific HelpExit System Setup andsave your changes toCMOS.F1 Help ↑↓ Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup DefaultsEsc Exit ←→ Select Menu Enter Select X Sub-Menu F10 Save and ExitExit Saving Changes saves the changes you have made and exits BIOS SetupUtility.Exit Discarding Changes exits BIOS Setup Utility without saving the changesyou have made.Load Setup Defaults loads the factory default values for all the items.Discard Changes restores the previous values for all the items.Saves Changes saves the changes you have made.