41Connecting power cordsPrerequisitesFollow these guidelines before connecting power cords:• For lightning protection, the AC power should be led through an external lightning device intoS12500 Routing Switch Series. For more information, see the chapter “Appendix D Lightningprotection.”• Make sure the power switch on the power frame is in the OFF position.• For personal and switch safety, do not connect the power cords with the power. Power off thegrounding strip, connect the power cords, power on the grounding strip, and then power on theswitch.Connecting an AC power cordEach socket on a PEM (LSTM2PEMC6) corresponds to a power module slot. Sockets numbered 1 through6 provide power module for the power modules in slots 1 through 6, respectively. If slot 1 is installed witha power module, the number 1 receptacle on the PEM must be connected to a power source with an ACpower cord to make the power module operate properly.CAUTION:Typically 10 A busbars are available in the equipment room but the PEM on the S12500 (LSTM2PEMC6)requires a 16 A power cord (AC), so you need to use a 16 A busbar, and ensure that the AC powermodule system can provide enough power. For AC power cords used in different countries or regions, seethe chapter “Appendix A Technical specifications.”To connect power cords:1. Remove the strain-relief screws of the power cord retention clip, and remove the retention clip.2. Insert the connector of the AC power cord into the PEM receptacle.3. Install the retention clip to the connector and fasten the screws to lock the power connector.4. Connect the other end of the AC power cord to the power source.