8Safety Information1.3 Operating information• Before starting the vehicle up for thefirst time, the battery to be used mustbe fully charged, properly, by imple-menting the initial battery chargeroutine. Please pay attention to theoperating manual provided with thecharging unit as well as the manualfrom the battery manufacturer. Hakoassumes no liability for damage tothe battery caused by a fault whenthe battery is charged for the firsttime.• Before starting the vehicle up, al-ways check it is in a proper conditionand that it is safe to drive and oper-ate. Clear up any faults and defectsimmediately! Never operate the vehi-cle without functional safety equip-ment.• Warning: Do not use the vehiclewithout a protective roof structure(refer to “Accessories”, “Cab safetyroof”) in areas in which the driver isat risk of being hit by falling objects(e.g. warehouses). Contact the tradeassociation responsible for you as towhether obligations exist in this re-spect.• The scrubber drier must be subject-ed to an inspection in respect of itsoperationally safe condition at leastonce a year by an authorized techni-cal expert. The results of the inspec-tion must be documented in writingand kept safe at least until the nextinspection.• Floor cleaning machines may onlybe operated by suitable personnelwho have been trained to operatethe equipment, have proven their ca-pability to operate the vehicle to thecontractor or person appointed byhim and have been explicitlycharged by him to operate the vehi-cle.• Before starting work, operating per-sonnel must be fully familiar with alladjustment, operating and control el-ements as well as their respectivefunction! It is too late to do this whenthe vehicle is actually in operation!• The warning labels attached to thescrubber drier provide important in-formation concerning safe operation.• Wet floors are a potential risk for slip-ping! Ensure to provide the corre-sponding information and warningsigns.• If the floor is excessively wet, checkthe vehicle for leaks and that thesealing strips are in a good condi-tion. If the sealing strips are dam-aged, change them immediately.• Only use cleaning agents suitable forthe vendor (non-foaming) and ob-serve all the use, disposal and warn-ing information provided by thecleaning agent manufacturer.• It is forbidden to use the vehicle inpotentially explosive atmospheres.• The vehicle is not suitable for clear-ing up health-hazardous, inflamma-ble or explosive fluids or dusts andsubstances with similar properties.• Ride-on equipment may only be setinto motion from the seat (seat con-tact switch).• The seat contact switch must neverbe bypassed or the function immobi-lized in any way (e.g. by placing aheavy load on the seat).• It is forbidden to transport people onthe vehicle!• Always wear heavy duty, non-slipfootwear when working with the vehi-cle.• Start driving immediately afterswitching on the brush head drive