22Operation4.6 CalibrationThe membranes on the ion-selective electrodes are not 100%selective due to other substances that may affect themeasurement. Perform a matrix correction to compensate theinfluences of other ions on the nitrate ISE electrode.Chloride has the largest interference effect on the nitratemembrane. This problem is compensated in the NO3D sc sensorusing the integrated chloride electrode.CARTRICALTM is a compact sensor cartridge with 3 electrodes,which are perfectly factory calibrated to each other.Cross sensitivities between nitrate and chloride are automaticallyeliminated. Solids do not interfere with the measurement. Due tomatrix effects calibration and validation can not be performed withstandard solutions. A matrix correction can be carried out quicklyand easily at any time.Important Note: Matrix correction must not be performed until thesensor has been immersed in the process longer than 12 hours.12 hours is the mimimum amount of time required for the ISEmembranes to adapt to the waste water matrix.The 12 hours is required to allow the sensor cartridge to adapt tothe process.4.6.1 Sensor code calibrationWhen activating a new sensor cartridge or during initial calibration,the sensor code must be entered. The default sensor code isIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (all 16 I capital letters are the same). With this code, thesensor is ready for operation. To meet published specifications,enter the individual sensor code for the specific CARTRICALcartridge.Enter the sensor cartridge's sensor code to accept the CARTRICALcalibration. The sensor code is a 16 character code (letters andnumbers) and will be supplied with the sensor cartridge certificate.The code contains the factory calibration for the sensor cartridge,DIAG/TESTPROBE INFOInformation on the connected sensorEDIT NAME Name of the connected sensorSERIAL NUMBER Serial number of the connected sensorSOFTWARE VERS Software versionCAL DATA Data of the selected MATRIX correctionSIGNALSSignals and measurements of the individual measurement channelsNITRATE Displays the signals and measurement resultsCHLORIDE Displays the signals and measurement resultsTEMP Displays the temperatureCOUNTERS Sensor code (time the sensor code was entered generally corresponds with the age of thecartridge) and CAL. daysSERVICE Performing a sensor check using TEST CARTRIDGE (see 7.2 on page 37)4.5 Sensor setup menu (continued)