33Section 6 Troubleshooting6.1 Error codesWhen the sensor is experiencing an error condition, the sensorreading on the measurement screen will flash and the relays andanalog outputs associated with this sensor will be held ortransferred to a previously defined state depending on theconfiguration settings used in the controller. Errors are defined inTable 2.6.2 Warning codesA sensor warning will leave all menus, relays and outputs functioningnormally, but will cause a warning icon to flash.Warnings may be used to trigger a relay and users can set warninglevels to define the severity. Warnings are defined in Table 3.Table 2 Error codesDisplayed errors Definition ResolutionNO3 mV RANGE! Nitrate mV value is out of measuring rangeSee 6.3.1 Troubleshooting during operation onpage 34.CL- mV RANGE! Chloride mV value is out of measuring rangepHD RANGE! pHD reference value out of measuring rangeTEMP RANGE Temperature value out of measuring rangeNO CARTRIDGE No sensor cartridge connected Connect sensor cartridge, see section 3.3 onpage 13.SENSOR CODE Sensor code calibration failed See 6.3.2 Troubleshooting during calibration onpage 36Table 3 Warning codesDisplayed warnings Definition ResolutionNO3 mV RANGE! Nitrate mV value is close to measuring range limitSee 6.3.1 Troubleshooting during operationon page 34.CL- mV RANGE! Chloride mV value is close to measuring rangelimitpHD RANGE! pHD reference value is close to limitTEMPERATURE Temperature is close to limitCARTRIDGE OLD Sensor cartridge more than 1 year old Replace the sensor cartridgeNITRATESee 6.3.2 Troubleshooting during calibrationon page 36.OFFSET Nitrate offset is out of measuring rangeSLOPE Nitrate slope is out of measuring rangeCHLORIDEOFFSET Chloride offset is out of measuring rangeSLOPE Chloride slope is out of measuring range