15PortuguêsNOTICE For new installations, use the standard pipe sizes.When using existiong pipes, size-up is allowed asmentioned in the table above.Additional restrictions towards allowable pipe lengths,as mentioned in the table 7.3 on page 13, must betaken into account.Not using the standard lpipe size may result incapacity decrease. The installer must acknowledgethis and judge this very carefully in function of thecomplete installation. Existing or pre-installed piping can be used1. Piping must comply with the criteria below.• Piping diameter must comply with the limitations asindicated in paragraph "7.2. Refrigerant pipe size ".• Piping length must be withinlimits of the allowablepiping length as in paragraph "7.3. Allowablepipe length and height difference".• Piping must be designed for R410A. See paragraph"6.2. Selection of piping material".2. Piping can be reused without cleaning when:• Total 1-way piping length: ≤ 50m.• No compressor breakdown has occurred in thehistory of the unit to be replaced.• A correct pump down operation can be executed:- Operate the unit continuously for 30minutes incooling mode.- Execute a pump down operation.- Remove the air conditioning units to be replaced.• Check the contamination inside the existing piping.If you cannot meet all these requirements, the existingpipes must be cleaned or replaced after removing theair conditioning units to be replaced.3. Prepare the flare connections for higher pressure.See paragraph 6.2Cautions on handling the stem cap The stem cap is sealed where indicated by the arrow.Take care not to damage it.After handling the stop valve, make sure tighten thestem cap securely. For the tightening torque, refer tothe table below.Check for refrigerant leaks after tightening the stemcap.Cautions on handling the service port Always use a charge hose equipped with a valvedepressor pin, since the service port is a Schradertype valve. After handling the service port, make sure to tightenthe service port cap securely. For the tighteningtorque, refer to the table below. Check for refrigerant leaks after tightening the serviceport cap.7. Refrigerant piping7.1. Piping diagram for single splitFlare connection3-way stop valveBall valveLiquid pipeOutdoorunitIndoorUnitGas pipe7.2. Piping size for single splitModel Pipe Diameter ofpipeconnectingmethod1U105S2SS1FA1U125S2SN1FA/B1U140S2SN1FA/B1U140S2SP1FA/BLiquidpipe Φ 9.52mm flaringconnectionGaspipe Φ 15.88mm7.3. Limitations for one way piping length andvertical height difference for single splitModel 1U105S2SS1FA1U125S2SN1FA/B1U140S2SN1FA/B1U140S2SP1FA/BOne way pipinglength less than 50 m less than 75 mVertical heightdifference(between indoorand outdoor)less than 30 m less than 30 mInstall the removed flarenuts to the pipes to beconnected, then flare thepipes.