OperationOwner s Manual 31allows you to configure the way you chooseto view the digital captioning(Off,service1,service2,service3,service4, service5 or service6).Select one of the digital service channels made availableby the caption provider.There are 6 standard services. Service 1 is designated asthe Primary Caption Service. This service contains theverbatim, or near-verbatim captions for the primarylanguage being spoken in the accompanying program audio.Service 2 is designated as the Secondary Language Service.This service contains captions in a secondary languagewhich are translations of the captions in the primary CaptionService. The other service subchannels are notpre-assigned. It is up to the discretion of the individualcaption provider to utilize the remaining service channels.In DTV modeOther FunctionsClosed captioning is a process which converts the audioportion of a television program into written words whichthen appear as subtitles on the television screen. Closedcaptions allow viewers to read the dialogue and narrationof television programs.Using Closed CaptionsCaptions are the subtitles of the dialogue and narration oftelevision programs. For prerecorded programs, programdialogue can be arranged into captions in advance. Itspossible to caption a live program by using a process calledreal-time captioning, which creates captions instantly.Real-time captioning is normally done by professionalreporters using a machine shorthand system and computerfor translation into English. Captioning is an effectivesystem for the hearing-impaired, and it can also aid inteaching language skills.CC (Closed Caption Display) NoteThe captions do not always use correct spellingand grammar. Not all TV programs and productcommercials are made for broadcast with ClosedCaption information included. Refer to your area`sTV program listings for the TV channels and timesof Closed Caption shows. The captioned programsare usually noted in the TV listings with servicemarks such as CC .CAPTIONThe term for the words that scroll across the bottom of theTV screen; usually the audio portion of the programprovided for the hearing impaired.TEXTThe term for the words that appear in a large black frameand almost cover the entire screen; usually messagesprovided by the broadcaster.In ATV mode CCD function allows you to configure the wayyou choose to view the digital captioning (Off,).CC1, CC2,CC3, CC4, Text1, Text2, Text3 or Text4Closed CaptionsQuick program viewPress to jump back and forth between two channels. The TValternates between the current channel and the last channel thatwas selected.123...Suppose the channel number you used just now is 8 and thechannel number you are using is 18 (as shown in the figure).If you want to return to the last watched program channel 8,you can simply press Q.VIEW button.If you want to return to channel 18, press the button again.