Universal Remote ControlEN-29 Haier LCD HDTV(TV, VCR, DVD,STB, cable box or audio equipment).Choose the device you wish to program.BWhile Press and holding ENTER key, press the INPUTC key and device LED will be ON. Keep the status forabout 3 seconds and the LED will blink, indicatingthat the Controller is ready for programming, thenrelease both keys.Press and release the Mute key to enter automaticD scan mode. And the remote will automaticallysending codes to the device per 2 seconds.When the device turns ON, pressE ENTER key toprogram the Controller with the new code, saving itto EEPROM and exit.PressF POWER key, If the device responds, no furtherprogramming is required. If the device does notrespond repeat steps 1 through 5.After searching the entire data base, this mode will beG automatically exited and led will blink for 3 times. Thecodeset is not saved to EEPROM.In automatic scan mode, press any key other thanENTER key will exit without programming.Display modeChoose the device you wish to program.ATo enter display mode, while press and holdingB ENTER key, press the INPUT key and device LED willbe ON, keep the status for about 3 seconds and theLED will blink, indicating that the Controller is readyfor programming, then release both keys.Sequence press 9, 8, 0 to enter display mode.CPress digit 1 key to get the first digit of currentD codeset. For example, if the first digit of codeset is 1,so then led will blink once and remains OFF. Digit “0”in codeset will not be displayed. Blink Freq is 1 HZ.Press digit 2 key to get the second digit of currentE codeset. For example, if the second digit of codeset is3, so then led will blink three times and remains OFF.Blink Freq is 1 HZ.Press digit 3 key to get the third digit of currentF codeset. Blink Freq is 1 HZ.Only digit 1, 2, 3 are valid in this mode. And theG sequence is not fixed.Controller will not send out data in this mode if userpresses any keys other than digit 1, 2, 3, or no key waspressed in 30 seconds, display mode is ended.Punch-Through FeaturesThe Controller provides two punch-through featuresthat allow users to control TV volume and DVD or VCRoperation while the Controller is in another device modecontrol certain features of another device.Volume Punch-ThroughYThe TV Volume/Mute punch-through feature allowsyou to control the volume and mute function of yourTV while the Controller is in another device mode. Thefeature is applicable for all devices and brands that donot use the volume control buttons for other purposes.Transport Key Punch-ThroughYThe DVD or VCR transport key punch through featurelets you control the PLAY, STOP, PAUSE, REWIND, FF andRECORD functions of your DVD or VCR while the Controloperates in other modes. The feature is applicable for alldevices and brands that do not use the transport keysfor other purposes.Fast Programming Haier default TV codesetPress and holding the ENTER key and then press POWERkey for 3 seconds, the LED will blink 3 times and turn off,default Haier codeset (001) will be programmed to thecontrol.Remote Control CodesTVNO. Brand Code1 Haier 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 240 241 297 307 3552 Abex 0773 Acer 2674 Addison 3335 Admiral 057 078 334 3386 Advent 3247 Adventura 0798 Aiko 066 3339 Aiwa 16510 Akai 038 058 258 271 279 331 35011 Albatron 321 32512 Alleron 06813 America Action 33514 Ampro 32315 Amtron 06716 Anam 33517 Anam National 059 06718 AOC 060 061 062 222 331 349 350 35319 Apex 092 135 151 195 33920 Archos 30821 Astar 25922 Audiovox 067 189 191 207 256 333 335 33723 Aventura 05324 Axion 28025 Bang & Olufsen 345 34626 Baur 05827 Belcor 060 349