HSU24VHJ˄DB˅ Funcitions and ControlDomestic Air Conditioner165.1.1.3 Wind volume limitWhen the compressor is working and the max setting for indoor fan motor is medium or weak, theupper limit of indicated frequency is as follows:Frequency control form for wind volumeLimited frequencyvariablesLimited frequencyMedium wind volume FQLIMMD 70HzWeak wind volume FQLIMLO 58HzLimited frequency forup/down health windFUPHEAL 48Hz5.1.2 Main functions5.1.2.1 Warm bootWhen the heat running starts or the frost removing ends and the compressor starts again, in order toavoid cold wind, warm boot wind volume control should be done.Heat exchange temperatureTHHOT3喈37ć˅THHOT2喈35ć喉THHOT1喈25ć喉THHOTR喈23ć˅4 minutesStop weak setting weak stopTo control the indoor fan motor as shown in the table above according to the heat exchangetemperatureThe fan motor stops when the heat exchange temperature is below 25ćThe fan motor is working slightly weak when the heat exchange temperature is above25 ć and below35ćThe fan motor is working weak when the heat exchange temperature is above35 ć and below 37ćThe fan motor works as set if the he heat exchange temperature remains above 38ćslightlyweakslightlyweak