HSU24VHJ˄DB˅ Service DiagnosisDomestic Air Conditioner61˄A˅NOYESYesCheck the status of LED1on the indoor mainboard. Ifthe LED1 blinksNoIf the voltage is of aconstant value of 0VDCto5V DCYesmeasure the voltage betweenJumpers 3 and 4 of IC8 on the indoormainboard with a multimeter.NOThe outdoor mainboard isdamaged; Replace them with anew one.If the LED1 is off within two minutesafter the machine is supplied withpower, measure the AC voltagebetween positions 1 and 3 on theterminal of outdoor unit with amultimeter.If 230VAC is available but310DC not, the power module isdamaged, replace it with a newone.Test the outdoor power supply(230VAC and +310VDC) with amultimeter.The outdoor mainboard is damaged;replace it with a new one.The indoor mainboard isdamaged; replace it with a newone.If the value varies between 0 and 80VAC, the outdoor mainboard isdamaged, replace it with a new one.If the value is constant at about 30V,the indoor mainboard is damaged,replace it with a new one.If both 230VAC and 310DCare available, measure+12V(from7805)is available.