HSU24VHJ˄DB˅ Funcitions and ControlDomestic Air Conditioner18When in automatic mode, there are powerful and silent functions for your choice. When the main unitis in cooling mode, it operates with powerful cooling or silent cooling. When the main unit is in heatingmode, it operates with powerful heating or silent heating. When the main unit is in wind-sending mode,there are no powerful or silent modes.There is no powerful mode for wind-sending and moisture removingPowerful heating˖Change the set temperature. With temperature adjusting functionThe wind volume is the automatic mediumWhen in frost removing mode, the outdoor unit does not accept the communication signal for powerfulrunningAfter 15 minutes of powerful running, the compressor can not be off within 10 minutesPowerful cooling˖Change the set temperature. With temperature adjusting functionThe wind volume is the automatic strongAfter the compressor starts, there will be no low-intense running protection within 3 minutes5.1.3.2 Silent runningSend the silent running signal to the outdoor unitUnder the Silent hearing mode,The wind volume is SSLO after the compressor is on,The wind volumewill be kept SSLO within 20 seconds after the compressor stops and then changes to weakUnder the Silent cooling mode the wind volume is SSLOThere is no silent mode for moisture removing and wind-sending. Air cleaningI f the fan motor starts working after receiving the remote-control order, the aion generator startsworking and sends out ions.The ion generator stops as the fan motor stops.When the ion generator is OFF and the air cleaning function is on, the fan motor starts running andthe ion generator starts working again. Timed runningSet the time duration according to the time difference between the clock fortiming and the current clockIn timing mode, the display panel will flash the light at fixed timesTimed When this function is set, operation modes on the panel display will notOFF change. The timing icon will show and the operation stops when the set time comes.Timed When this function is on, the panel display will only display a question mark.ON The unit will operate as the set mode when the time comes.Timed The unit will start operating or stop according to the order of your setting.ON/OFF