Phenomenon 1˖The LCD can not lightDŽPossible reasons˖a. Are the Main Board power okDŽb. Are the Main Board work DŽc. Are the Backlight ˄24 V˅socket inserted goodDŽd. Does the output 24V backlight power normalDŽe. On board back light control plug (CN20) whether inserts.Phenomenon 2: Main board can not work normallyAre there short-circuit phenomenon or not good weld on the Main Board˄mainly look whetherthe surrounding circuit of the FLI8532 and FLASH(U29) is short-circuit or not good weld ˅DŽa. Whether all power on the Main Board (U17, U22, U8, U24, U18) is normalb. FLASH chip may be badDŽc. DDR chip ˄U15ǃU16˅may be bad .Phenomenon 3˖have VGAˈno HDMIa. Examine whether the power supply of ANX9021 is normal ˄U5ǃU7 have the outputvoltage˅DŽb. Whether the input of the HDMI have signal DŽc. Examine whether the 27M clock signal of the ANX9021 chip to detect is normald. Examine whether the circuit of the ANX9021 chip is normal.e. Examine whether the circuit of the U4 and U32 chips are normal.Phenomenon 4˖there is no picture˄no LOGO picture˅a. Examine whether the power supply of Main Board is normalb. Examine whether the Main Board does work.c. Examine whether FLI8532 clock is normal outputd. Examine whether LVDS signal jack is good.Phenomenon 5˖ Picture is good,sound is not gooda. Examine whether power supply of Analog Board is normal.b. Examine whether speakers is goodc. Examine whether the Analog Board is Xu Han phenomenon or short-circuit.Phenomenon 6˖The sound is good,but the picture is bada. Examine whether the Backlight power supply (24V) output is normalb. Examine whether the on/off signal is high.c. Examine whether signal line is good.d. Examine whether 12V supply is normal.e. Examine whether the LVDS chip output signal is normal.Phenomenon 7˖VGA is not picture.a. Examine whether VGA socket is normalb. Examine whether PC is openc. Examine whether U2 surrounding circuit chip is normal.d. Examine whether U3 chip output signal is normalPhenomenon 8˖ VGA is good,pictures of YPBPR and USB is bada. Examine whether the PI5V330 IC(U1) is normalb. Examine whether YpbPr, USB input signal is normalPhenomenon 9˖ The picture of YPBPR is good but USB is not good.