3. Volume curve / Taiwanese modeChannel Mode Still/Black ScreenAuto Off On/OffFactory_Menu_3Volume 10 45Volume 30 60Volume 50 70All shows˖1ǃWhite balance Related items˖Source Off,AV1,S-Video,YPbPr/YCbCr,VGAAuto Color >>>2ǃColor temperature-related items˖ColorTemp Cool/Standard/WarmColorTemp R 50ColorTemp G 50ColorTemp B 503ǃLogo˖When setup is Off, there are no Switch LOGO and Safety Net˗When set openˈ Switch LOGO and Safety Net will appear DŽ4ǃUSB˖When setup is Off ˈpress USB and TV/AV can not switched tothe USB mode˗when setup is Onˈcan USB switched to the USB modeDŽ5ǃPower On˖When setup is OffˈAfter the exchange switched on thetelevision in a designated state˗When setup is OnˈAfter the exchangeswitched on the television switched on at the state˗When setup is LastˈExchange switched on, the state television before the state for the exchange ofpower outagesDŽ6ǃWoofer˖When setup is OnˈOn the show with heavy bass voice menuitems˗When setup is Off, Heavy bass voice on the menu item does not showDŽ7ǃPreset Signal˖Factory preset function signalsDŽWhen select itˈpress V+to performˈwhen the“>>>” from the green into redˈFactory preset functionsignals finishedDŽExit the factory modeˈonly change the channel is okDŽ8ǃReset E2PROM˖E2PROM preset functionˈwhen select itˈpress V+to perform ˈwhen the“>>>” from the green into redˈE2PROM preset orderfinishDŽExchange houses to restartˈE2PROM ResetDŽ9ǃVersion number˄Can not be revised˅