1. Press UP/DOWN buttonto select "Music and PIC"option, and press ENTERbutton to enter menu.2. Press UP/DOWN to selectdesired file, and pressbutton to ensure it.( to cancel). Repeat step2 to select more file, andpress ENTER button to enterplay menu.3. On screen display menu,press UP/DOWN to select thespeed to play.( Normal,slow, fast).4. Press FWD or REV buttonto swap the next and previouspicture, press LEFT or RINGHTbutton to select the music.Note: press PAUSE button tostop playing the picture.5. Press repeatedly EXIT buttonto return.To select the Music and PIC itemF-007 .JPGF-008 .JPGF-009 .JPGF-010 .JPGF-011 .JPGF-012 .JPGMP3The day you went away .MP3JPEG0016.JPGPlayPlay mode standard IMAGE00 01:43PictureMusicMovieMusic and PICAAA Multimedia PlayerAAA Multimedia PlayerStream media broadcast systemNote: on the music and picture, the playing musicis *.mp3 format.Color.SYS Sound.SYSEdit Scan Shuttle Time.SkipUP Left/Prev USBDOWN Right/Next REV EXITPause Enter ZOOM HELPPIP Swap Zoom/Move Sleep40