18[ - Tests - >]Pressing the Scroll [<>]Button once at this point will access the area of theQC200’s programming where test procedures are determined. Use of the Select[0] and Scroll [<>] buttons here will allow you to select the unit's pass/fail levelcriteria (Traditional vs. ANSI), use of a higher level of statistical accuracy formeasurement of each scan path (NormalAccur vs. ExtendAccur), type ofDecodability calculation to use (Avg DMargin vs. Decodability) and whether,when ANSI is the pass/fail criteria, letter or number grading is used (Ltr. Gradesvs. Num. Grades). An explanation of these possible selections follow.“Trad’l P/F” vs. “ANSI PrQual> A” / “ANSI PrQual> B”/ “ANSI PrQual?C”/”ANSI PrQual> D” The Quick Check® 200 Series can apply Pass/Failcriteria based on either the “Traditional” bar code print tolerances and PCSmeasurements or the “Graded” methodology specified in the ANSI Standard “BarCode Print Quality – Guideline” X3.182. Upon any measurement scan, theQC200 beeps either once to indicate a passing symbol or three (3) times toindicate failure of one or more tests. Choose here whether to apply TraditionalPass/Fail criteria -- PCS value and Print Tolerances – or the graded through criteria and scales from ANSI’s Print Quality Guideline.“NormalAccur” vs. “ExtendAccur” The Quick Check® 200 Series is capable ofscanning in a “Normal Accuracy” mode as well as in “Extended Accuracy”. In the“Extended Accuracy” Mode, ALL individual parameter measurements and resultsare averaged over eight (8) successive scans of a given scan path of the symbolunder test, greatly reducing reading variability due to variations in scanningmotion and minor scan path variations. This is not to be confused with ANSI’srecommended ten (10) scan symbol average, where ten (10) individual symbolscans have their final scan grade averaged.“Avg DMargin” vs. “Decodability” “Decodability” is an ANSI graded measureof how close a given scan comes to a reference decode failure due to variationsin the bar and/or space widths. The Quick Check®200 Series has the ability toanalyze a symbol using “Decodability Margin” (Avg DMargin in the QC200) aswell as true “ANSI” Decodability (Decodability in the QC200). “DecodabilityMargin” is the character-averaged value of Decodability. Decodability is whatpercentage of the symbology’s safe decoding margin is left for the scanner afterprinting errors. Lower margin values and corresponding lower grades indicate anincreased susceptibility to decoding failure due to scanning errors such as, forexample, acceleration or bar or space size deviations. NOTE: Variations in scanspeed affects ANSI Decodability. When hand scanning set this option to “AvgDMargin”. “Decodability” (ANSI Decodability) should only be used by thosewho have a very consistent and smooth scanning action or with automatedscanning. The QC200 will “measure” your scanning and prompt you to “ScanFaster”, “Scan Slower” or “Scan Evenly” if it detects gross variations in your scanrates. PreviousNext |