16Handicare FreecurveThe unit has standard 2 traction motors to ride the unit over the rail which are applied with an electromechanic brake.In axial direction the unit is kept horizontal by the tooth rack.Due to safety reasons the unit has 2 traction motors. When one of the motors breaks down, the other onewill take care of a safe situation and is possible to bring the lift to a standstill.The difference in amperage between the motors is checked by the printed circuit. Too big difference ofthe motor amperage will stop the lift.The adjustment of the traction motors is sealed in the factory and it is absolutely prohibited to change thissetting.Both the drive motors are equipped with an electro-mechanical brake. The application and the release ofthe brake can be checked visually, since the brake disks are visible from the outside.One of the motors is equipped with an encoder to determine the position and the speed of the lift.An encoder is an electronic component on the axis of the motor that generate pulses when the axis turns.The pulses are counted, and, and translated to a movement of the unit or a levelling of the chair.Symptoms of a defective encoder are:• High speed of the traction motors• Chair out of level• Lift moves only a few cm’sThe bolts on the upper side of the traction motors will be exposed towear. The minimum measure allowed will be 14 mm. When the wearis more than this, the bolts shall be replaced by new bolts (articlenumber C1001200).5 | Traction motors