Page GB-23Installationair outletair outlet– The hob must be positioned in such a waythat the air outlet is not compromised.490 mm 560 mm520 mm590 mm>50 mm>50 mm>50 mm>50 mm• Cut a recess in the worktop: 560 ×490 mm (W × D).If a hob was already installed, the recess cutfor it must have the same dimensions.Installing the hob1. Take the hob out of the packaging.2. Remove all protective and packaging ma-terials.3. Place the hob, with the sensor field facingforward, into the worktop recess. Align itevenly and press it firmly into place.A BA (thicker worktop)B (thinner worktop)4. Use the supplied retaining clamps to fixthe hob in place to prevent it from slip-ping. Depending on the thickness of theworktop, you must rotate the retainingclamps as illustrated above and tightenon the hob from below:.5. Clean the hob thoroughly before itsfirst use (see "Cleaning the hob“ onpage GB-20).Connection to the powersupply – notes for the installerWARNINGRisk of electric shock!Faulty electrical installation or excessivemains voltage may result in an electricshock.■ The hob may only be connected byauthorised specialist staff, such as ourTechnical Service (see page GB-27).This also applies when disconnectingfrom the power supply and disman-tling the old appliance. Unauthorisedpersons may not establish a connec-tion to the power supply. You can en-danger yourself and subsequent us-ers!