36_ camera operationcamera operationy DEFOG : You can use the defog mode to allow the camera to automatically detectthe fog density of the screen and display a clear image despite smog, fog orgeneral poor visibility.➊ If the SPECIAL menu screen is displayed, use the Function Setup switch so that thearrow indicates ‘DEFOG’.➋ Select a desired mode using theFunction Setup switch.- AUTO : Adjust the levelautomatically.- Manual : Depending on the defog level set by the user, adjust the clarity of image.(LOW, MIDDLE, HIGH)- OFF : Released stateM ` If the defog mode is set to Auto, and if the amount of fog is reduced, the function levelwill be also reduced. If you want to maintain the same level of defogging, set it to Manual.` If there is little fog and the manual fog level is high, the screen contrast can get high.y PRIVACY: Mask an area you want to hide on the screen.➊ If the SPECIAL menu screen is displayed, use the Function Setup switch so that thearrow indicates ‘PRIVACY’.➋ Select a desired mode using theFunction Setup switch.- AREA : You can select up to 8PRIVACY areas.- MODE : Determines whether to use thearea selected in the AREA.- MASK COLOR : Determine areacolor. You can selectGreen, Yellow, Red,Blue, Black, White,Gray.- TRANSPARENCY : Adds or removes transparency from the masking area.- TOP / BOTTOM / LEFT / RIGHT : Adjust the size and position of the selected area.- RETURN : Return to the SPECIAL menu.DEFOG▶ 1. LEVEL MIDDLE2. RETuRNPRIVACY AREA▶ 1. AREA AREA12. MODE OFF3. MASK COLOR GREEN4. TRANSPARENCY OFF5. TOP IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 166. bOTTOM IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 467. LEFT IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 68. RIGHT IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 239. RETuRN