16 SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONSYSTEM CONFIGURATION16 SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONInput SetupThe first step in configuring the AVR 135 is to configureeach input. Once an input is configured, all settings forthe Digital Input, Surround Mode and Delay Timing will“attach” themselves to that input and be stored in anonvolatile memory. The later selection of that inputwill automatically recall those settings. For that reason,the procedures described below must be repeatedfor each input source so that you have the opportunityto customize each source to your specific listeningrequirements. However, once made, they need not bechanged again unless you need to alter a setting.When using the full-OSD system to make the setupadjustments, press the OSD Button v once so thatthe MASTER MENU (Figure 1) appears. The ›cursor will be next to the INPUT SETUP line.Press the Set Button p to enter the menu and theINPUT SETUP menu (Figure 2) will appear onthe screen. Press the ‹/› Buttons o until thedesired input name appears in the highlighted video,as well as being indicated in the front-panel InputIndicators ı. If the input will use the standard left/right analog inputs, no further adjustment is needed.Figure 2If you wish to associate one of the digital inputs withthe selected input source, press the ¤ Button non the remote while the INPUT SETUP menu(Figure 2) is on the screen, and the on-screen cursorwill drop down to the DIGITAL IN line. Pressthe ‹/› Buttons o until the name of the desireddigital input appears. To return to the analog input,press the buttons until the word ANALOG appears.When the correct input source appears, press the ¤Button n once so that the › cursor appears nextto BACK TO MASTER MENU, and press theSet Button p.To change the digital input at any time using the dis-crete function buttons and the semi-OSD system,press the Digital Select Button q on the remote.Within five seconds, make your input selection usingthe ⁄/¤ Buttons n until the desired digital oranalog input is shown in the Upper Display Line ˜and in the lower line of the on-screen display. Pressthe Set Button p to enter the new digital inputassignment.Some digital video input sources, such as a cable boxor HDTV set-top, may change between analog anddigital outputs, depending on which channel is in use.The AVR 135’s Auto Polling feature allows you toavoid losing the audio feed when this happens bypermitting both analog and digital connections tothe same source on the AVR. Digital audio is thedefault, and the unit will automatically switch to theanalog audio if the digital audio stream stops.In cases where only a digital source is used, you maywish to disable the Auto Polling feature to prevent theAVR from trying to “find” an analog source when thedigital source is paused. To turn Auto Polling off forany input, first make certain that the › cursor is point-ing to the AUTO POLL line on the menu screen.Next, press the ‹/› Navigation Buttons o so thatOFF appears. Repeat the procedure at any time sothat ON appears to restore the Auto Polling feature.When all needed adjustments have been made, pressthe ¤ Button n until the › cursor is next toBACK TO MASTER MENU to continue withthe system configuration.Surround SetupThe next step is to set the surround mode you wishto use with the input that was previously selected inthe INPUT SETUP menu. Since surroundmodes are a matter of personal taste, feel free toselect any mode you wish – you may change it later.However, to make it easier to establish the initialparameters for the AVR 135, it is best to select DolbyPro Logic II or Logic 7 for most analog inputs andDolby Digital for inputs connected to digital sources.In the case of inputs such as a CD Player, Tape Deckor Tuner, you may wish to set the mode to Stereo(“Surround off”) as they are not typically used withmultichannel program material, and it is unlikely thatsurround-encoded material will be used. Alternatively,the Logic 7 Music mode is a good choice for stereo-only source material. See page 24 for more informa-tion on available surround modes.When selecting surround modes for digital programmaterial, the AVR 135 will always examine the datastream and automatically select Dolby Digital or DTSas applicable.It is easiest to complete the surround setup using thefull-OSD on-screen menus. From the MASTERMENU (Figure 1), press the ⁄/¤ Buttons nuntil the › cursor is next to the SURROUNDSELECT line. Press the Set Button p until theSURROUND SELECT menu (Figure 3) is onthe screen.Figure 3Each of the option lines on this menu (Figure 3)selects the surround mode category, and within eachof those categories there will be a choice of thespecific mode options. The choice of modes willvary according to the speaker configuration in yoursystem. When the SURR BACK line of theSPEAKER SETUP menu (Figure 5 on page18) is set to NONE, the AVR 135 will be configuredfor 5.1-channel operation, and only the modes appro-priate to a five-speaker system will appear. When theSURR BACK line of the SPEAKERSETUP menu (Figure 5) is set to SMALL orLARGE the AVR 135 will be configured for6.1/7.1-channel operation, and additional modessuch as Dolby Digital EX and DTS-ES will appear, asthey are only available when six main speakers arepresent. In addition, some of the modes available inthe AVR 135 will not appear unless a digital source isselected and is playing the correct bitstream.Remember that when you use only a single, surroundback speaker, you will get the benefits of a 6.1/7.1system, but with only one speaker installed at the backof the room. The mode indications will show 7.1 insome cases, but no additional adjustment is neededfor 6.1 operation. Remember that the AVR 135 willcombine the left and right surround back channelinformation present in 7.1 modes such as Logic 7/7.1and 7-channel stereo, outputting the information as asingle surround back channel.To select the mode that will be used as the initialdefault for an input, first press the ⁄ /¤ Buttonsn until the on-screen cursor is next to the desiredmode’s master category name, such as DOLBY,DTS, DSP (SURR) or VMAX. Next, pressthe Set Button p to view the sub-menu. Press the‹/› Buttons o to scroll through the availablechoices, and then press the ¤ Button n so thatthe cursor is next to BACK TO MASTERMENU to continue the setup process.* * S U R R O U N D S E L E C T * *D O L B Y S U R R O U N DD T SL O G I C 7D S P ( S U R R )V M A XS T E R E OB A C K T O M A S T E R M E N U* I N P U T S E T U P *I N P U T : V I D E O 1D I G I T A L I N : A N A L O GA U T O P O L L : O F FB A C K T O M A S T E R M E N U