28 ADVANCED FEATURESADVANCED FEATURESThe AVR 135 is equipped with a number of advancedfeatures that add extra flexibility to the unit’s operation.While it is not necessary to use these features tooperate the unit, they provide additional options thatyou may wish to use.Figure 10Front-Panel-Display FadeIn normal operation, the front-panel displays and indi-cators remain on at full brightness, although you mayalso dim them or turn them off as shown in the nextsection. As an additional option, you may also set theAVR so that the displays are on whenever a button ispressed on the front panel or remote, but then fadeout after a set period of time.To set the front-panel displays to the Fade mode,press the OSD Button v to bring the MasterMenu (Figure 1) to the screen. Press the ⁄/¤Navigation Buttons n so that the › cursor ispointed to the ADVANCED line, and press theSet Button q to enter the ADVANCEDSELECT menu (Figure 10).With the ADVANCED SELECT menu onyour video display, press the ⁄/¤ NavigationButtons n so that the › cursor is pointing to theVFD FADE TIME OUT line. Next, press the‹/› Navigation Buttons o so that the amountof time that you wish the displays to fade out aftera button is pressed is shown. Select OFF if you donot wish to have the front-panel displays fade out.Once this time is set and the unit returned to normaloperation, the displays will remain on for the time peri-od selected whenever a button is pressed on the frontpanel or remote. After that time they will gradually fadeout, with the exception of the Power Indicator 2,which will remain on to remind you that the AVR isturned on. Note that if the displays have been turnedcompletely off using the Dim Button, as shown in thenext section, the Fade function will not operate.If you wish to make adjustments to other items onthe ADVANCED SELECT menu, press the⁄/¤ Navigation Buttons n to place the › cur-sor next to the desired item, or place the › cursornext to the BACK TO MASTER MENU lineand press the Set Button p to make an adjust-ment to another menu. If you have completed alladjustments, press the OSD Button v to exit themenu system.Display BrightnessThe AVR 135’s front-panel display is set at a defaultbrightness level that is sufficient for viewing in a nor-mally lit room. However, in some home theater instal-lations, you may wish to occasionally lower the bright-ness of the display, or turn it off completely. To changethe display brightness setting for a specific listeningsession, you will need to make an adjustment in theADVANCED SELECT menu. To start theadjustment, press the OSD Button v to bring theMASTER MENU to the screen. Press the ¤Button n until the on-screen › cursor is next tothe ADVANCED line. Press the Set Button pto enter the ADVANCED SELECT menu(Figure 10).To change the brightness setting, at the ADVANCEDSELECT menu, make certain that the on-screen› cursor is next to the VFD line, and press the ›Button o until the desired brightness level is shownin the video display. When FULL appears, the dis-play is at normal brightness. When HALF is shown,the display is at half the normal brightness level. WhenOFF is shown, all of the front-panel indicators will godark. However, the Power Indicator 3 will alwaysremain lit to remind you that the unit is turned on.Once the desired brightness level is selected, it willremain in effect until it is changed again or until theunit is turned off.If you wish to make other adjustments, press the⁄/¤ Buttons n until the on-screen › cursor isnext to the desired setting or the BACK TOMASTER MENU line and press the Set Buttonp. If you have no other adjustments to make, pressthe OSD Button v to exit the menu system.Turn-On Volume LevelAs is the case with most audio/video receivers, whenthe AVR 135 is turned on, it will always return to thevolume setting in effect when the unit was turned off.However, you may prefer to always have the AVR 135turn on at a specific setting, regardless of what waslast in use when the unit was turned off. To change thedefault condition so that the same volume level isalways used at turn-on, you will need to make anadjustment in the ADVANCED SELECTmenu. To start the adjustment, press the OSD Buttonv to bring the MASTER MENU (Figure 1)to the screen. Press the ¤ Button n, until the on-screen › cursor is next to the ADVANCED line.Press the Set Button p to enter the ADVANCEDSELECT menu (Figure 10).At the ADVANCED SELECT menu makecertain that the on-screen › cursor is next to theVOLUME DEFAULT line by pressing the⁄/¤ Buttons n as needed. Next, press the› Button o so that the word ON is shown inthe video display. Next, press the ¤ Button nonce so that the on-screen › cursor is next to theDEFAULT VOL SET line. To set the desiredturn-on volume, press the ‹/› Buttons o until thedesired volume level is shown on the DEFAULTVOL SET line. This setting may NOT be madewith the regular volume controls.NOTE: Since the setting for the turn-on volume can-not be heard while the setting is being made, you maywish to determine the setting before making theadjustment. To do this, listen to any source and adjustthe volume to the desired level using the regularVolume Controls Ù . When the desiredvolume level to be used at turn-on is reached, make anote of the setting as it appears in the lower third ofthe video screen or in the Lower Display Line ¯.(A typical volume level will appear as a negative num-ber such as –25dB.) When making the adjustment,use the ‹/› Buttons o to enter this setting.Unlike some of the other adjustments in this menu,the turn-on volume default will remain in effect until itis changed or turned off in this menu, even when theunit is turned off.If you wish to make other adjustments, press the⁄/¤ Buttons n until the on-screen › cursoris next to the desired setting or the BACK TOMASTER MENU line and press the Set Buttonp. If you have no other adjustments to make, pressthe OSD Button v to exit the menu system.3334353637383940414849464744454243383940413132302829252627282930242322212031373635343332 3137363534333248495051474645444342* A D V A N C E D S E L E C T *V F D F A D E T I M E O U T : O F FV F D : F U L LV O L U M E D E F A U L T : O F FD E F A U L T V O L S E T : Ð 2 5 D BS E M I O S D T I M E O U T : 3F U L L O S D T I M E O U T : 2 0B A C K T O M A S T E R M E N U