Front Panel Controls& Preset Stations Selector: Pressthis button to select stations thathave been entered into the presetmemory. (See page 26 for moreinformation on tuner programming.)* Tuner Mode: Press this button toselect the stereo or mono mode forFM tuning. In the STEREO mode aStereo indicator P will illuminate inthe information display, and stereoreception will be provided when sta-tions are transmitting stereo signals.In the MONO mode the left and rightsignals from stereo broadcasts willbe mixed together and reproducedthrough all channels. Select MONOfor better reception of weak signals.( Dolby Digital Selector: Pressthis button to select the Dolby Digitalsurround mode when listening to aprogram that carries the DolbyDigital information. (See pages 22-25for more information on surroundmodes and digital audio.)Ó Dolby Pro Logic Selector: Pressthis button to select the Dolby ProLogic surround mode when listeningto an analog program that is encodedwith surround-sound information. (Seepages 22–25 for more information onsurround modes.)Ô Dolby 3 Stereo Selector: Pressthis button to select the Dolby 3Stereo listening mode. This mode isused primarily when a program hassurround information when a centerchannel speaker, but no surroundspeakers, is installed. (See pages22–25 for more information onsurround modes.) Analog Surround ModeSelectors: Press one of thesebuttons to select the analog sur-round modes. These modes maybe used with any analog programsource to create a pleasing surroundeffect. (See pages 22–25 for moreinformation on surround modes.)Ò Test Tone: Press this button tobegin the sequence of steps used toset the AVR35’s output levels. Whenthis button is pressed, a test tone willreplace the currently selected listen-ing source. (See page 19 for moreinformation on using the test tone toset the output levels.)Ú Surround Off: Press this buttonto turn off all surround processing,and to listen to a program in tradi-tional stereo from the left front andright front speakers only.Û Mute: Press this button tomomentarily silence the speakeroutput of the AVR35.Ù Volume Control: Turn the knobclockwise to increase volume,counterclockwise to decrease thevolume.ı Delay: Press this button to beginthe sequence of steps required toenter delay time settings. (See page20 for more information on delaytimes.)ˆ Digital Input Selector: Whenplaying a source that has a digitaloutput, press this button to selectbetween the Optical ‡ and Coaxialfl Digital inputs. (See pages 22–25for more information on digital audio.)˜ Set Button: When makingchoices during the setup and con-figuration process, press this buttonto enter the desired setting, asshown in the Information Display33, into the AVR35’s memory. (Seepages 17–24 for more information onsetup and configuration.)¯ Channel Select: Press thisbutton to begin the process ofselecting and configuring theAVR35’s output channels. (Seepages 17–24 for more information onsetup and configuration.)˘ Speaker Select Button: Pressthis button to begin the process ofselecting the speaker positions thatare used in your listening room. (Seepages 17–24 for more information onsetup and configuration.)¸ Selector Buttons: When you areestablishing the AVR35’s configura-tion settings, use these buttons toselect between the choices avail-able, as shown in the InformationDisplay 33.33 Information Display: Thisdisplay delivers messages andstatus indications to help youoperate the receiver. (See page 7for a complete explanation of theInformation Display.)34 Remote Sensor Window: Thesensor behind this window receivesinfrared signals from the remote con-trol. Aim the remote at this area anddo not block or cover it unless anexternal remote sensor is installed.6