1 OPA2604®FEATURESl LOW DISTORTION: 0.0003% at 1kHzl LOW NOISE: 10nV/√Hzl HIGH SLEW RATE: 25V/μsl WIDE GAIN-BANDWIDTH: 20MHzl UNITY-GAIN STABLEl WIDE SUPPLY RANGE: V S = ±4.5 to ±24Vl DRIVES 600Ω LOADSAPPLICATIONSl PROFESSIONAL AUDIO EQUIPMENTl PCM DAC I/V CONVERTERl SPECTRAL ANALYSIS EQUIPMENTl ACTIVE FILTERSl TRANSDUCER AMPLIFIERl DATA ACQUISITIONDESCRIPTIONThe OPA2604 is a dual, FET-input operational ampli-fier designed for enhanced AC performance. Very lowdistortion, low noise and wide bandwidth providesuperior performance in high quality audio and otherapplications requiring excellent dynamic performance.New circuit techniques and special laser trimming ofdynamic circuit performance yield very low harmonicdistortion. The result is an op amp with exceptionalsound quality. The low-noise FET input of theOPA2604 provides wide dynamic range, even with highsource impedance. Offset voltage is laser-trimmed tominimize the need for interstage coupling capacitors.The OPA2604 is available in 8-pin plastic mini-DIPand SO-8 surface-mount packages, specified for the–25°C to +85°C temperature range.®OPA2604DistortionRejectionCircuitry*(3, 5)(+)(2, 6)(–)(8)V+(1, 7)VO(4)V–OutputStage** Patents Granted:#5053718, 5019789International Airport Industrial Park • Mailing Address: PO Box 11400, Tucson, AZ 85734 • Street Address: 6730 S. Tucson Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85706 • Tel: (520) 746-1111 • Twx: 910-952-1111Internet: http://www.burr-brown.com/ • FAXLine: (800) 548-6133 (US/Canada Only) • Cable: BBRCORP • Telex: 066-6491 • FAX: (520) 889-1510 • Immediate Product Info: (800) 548-6132OPA2604OPA2604Dual FET-Input, Low DistortionOPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERAVR8000 harman/kardon202