11 OPERATIONOperation of the PA 2000 is simple. In normaluse, there are no controls to adjust once theinstallation is complete.After all connections have been made to theamplifier’s inputs and speaker terminals, andthe AC power cord has been connected, theway in which the unit turns on is determined bythe settings for the Power Control ModeSwitches £. Depending on the settings, asdescribed on page 7, the amplifier will turn onin one of these three ways:• When the Power Control Mode Switches£ are set to the right, in the ON position,the PA 2000 will turn on when the PowerSwitch 1 is pressed in. Press the switchagain to turn the amp off.• When the Power Control Mode Switches£ are set in the middle, in the “AC/DCTRIGGER” position, the Power Switch 1should be pressed in to place the PA 2000 inthe Standby mode. The unit will now turn onautomatically when a low-voltage signal ispresent at the Trigger Jack §.• When the Power Control Mode Switches£ are set to the far left, in the “MUSICSENSE” position, the Power Switch 1should be pressed in to place the PA 2000 inthe Standby mode. The unit will now turn onautomatically whenever an audio signal ispresent. The unit will return to the Standbymode 10 to 15 minutes after the audio signalis removed.As a general rule, it’s always a good idea toturn on your amplifier LAST. This avoids the pos-sibility of any turn-on pops or transients fromother equipment being amplified and sent toyour speakers where they may cause damage.Always start with a low volume level on yourreceiver, controller or preamp to avoid damageto your speakers.You are now ready to enjoy the finest sonicperformance available.SAFETY NOTE: To prevent unintended opera-tion, remember to turn the unit completely offwhen it will not be used for an extended periodof time. This is done by pressing the PowerSwitch 1 and noting that the StandbyIndicator 3 goes out. This will prevent theautomatic turn-on circuits from accidentallyturning the amplifier on during your absence.Output Level AdjustmentIn normal operation, the source unit controlsthe volume for signals fed to the PA 2000. Thisis particularly important for surround-soundapplications, as the volume to all channels in asystem, regardless of the amplifier, should beequal in order to ensure proper reproduction. Inmost cases, the factory volume setting is appro-priate and need not be changed.However, in some instances it may be necessaryto vary the output level of the PA 2000, eitherto match the levels for surround systems, or toset a fixed volume level for a remote roomspeaker. In these cases, the PA 2000’s outputvolume may be adjusted by turning the OutputLevel Trim Control ¢ on the rear panel.When adjustment is required, turn the knob ineither direction until the desired level isachieved.When the PA 2000 is operated in the Bridgedconfiguration, use the Output Level TrimControl ¢ labeled “VOL. 1” to make adjust-ments.NOTE: The Output Level Trim Controls operatefor both speakers in a given channel. You mayadjust the output of one channel pair or theother, but it is not possible to individually adjusteither the separate left or right channel outputwithin a given channel pair.Operation