8 CHANNEL CONFIGURATIONChannel Configuration and Speaker ConnectionsTwo-Pair OutputFor use in multiroom applications, the PA 2000may be used to send the same signal feed totwo separate locations, such as living room anddining room speakers. While each room willreceive the same feed, the volume may be con-trolled by using the channel Output LevelTrim Controls ¢ or optional in-wall volumecontrols.The PA 2000 is factory-shipped to operate inthis configuration, but it is always a good ideato double-check the switch setting to make cer-tain that it is correct. For two-pair output, theBridge/Normal Switch ∞ should be set sothat the switch is on the right side, over theword “NORMAL”. To ensure that the switch set-ting is not changed, make certain that the plas-tic switch guard is installed once the propersetting is made.To connect speakers when the PA 2000 is usedin the two-pair output mode, connect one pairof speakers to the Channel 1 OutputSpeaker Terminals ¶, and the other pair tothe Channel 2 Output Speaker Terminals•. (See Figure 1.)Figure 1One-Pair Output (Bridged Operation)The PA 2000 is a bridgeable amplifier, whichmeans that the two pairs of medium-poweredamplifiers may also be combined, or “bridged”,to form a higher-powered stereo amplifier witha single pair of outputs. This type of operationis suitable for use in powering the rear sur-round channels of a 7.1 surround-sound sys-tem, or for general use as a high-quality, high-power stereo amplifier for a main listeningroom or remote room applications.To configure the PA 2000 for use as a single-pair stereo amplifier, follow these steps:• Disconnect the power from the unit.• Locate the Bridge/Normal Switch ∞ onthe rear panel, and use a #1 Phillips screw-driver to carefully remove the screws oneither side of the plastic switch guard.Remove the plastic guard and set it asidewith the screws.• Slide the switch to the left so that it is underthe word “BRIDGE”.• Replace the plastic switch guard so that itsecures the switch in the desired position.• Replace the two screws to secure the plasticguard.To connect speakers when the PA 2000 is usedas a stereo amplifier, an alternative connectionmethod is used. As shown in Figure 2, connectthe speakers to the terminals shownon the rear panel as “BRIDGE +/–”, with theconnections made vertically, as opposed to thehorizontally oriented connections used in two-pair output use. Note that the negative, or “–”,terminal used for bridged operation is normallymarked as “+” for use in two-pair use. Forbridged operation, please observe the Bridgemarkings, not the markings used for the Ch. 2output.Figure 2+ — + —Right Speaker Left Speaker+ – + –Right Speaker Left SpeakerChannelOne+ – + –Right Speaker Left SpeakerChannelTwo