INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS1-14VFC 15-150, VFC 45-225 MODULATING GAS BOILERSCONDENSATE REMOVALIBC’s specified vent configuration promotes the safe drainage of moisture from theboiler and exhaust venting without flowing liquids back through the heat exchanger(as done by other condensing boilers). Reliable system operation requires (1)proper design and installation of exhaust venting to allow condensate to run backto the drain/trap; (2) proper trap depth to handle maximum potential pressurewithin the vent, and (3) acid neutralization as appropriate. To achieve these:1. Allow for a 1/4” per foot slope back to the trap connection, with appropriatehangers to maintain that gradient; do not use 2” pipe on horizontal runs - airfriction from the fast moving exhaust at high fire in a 2” pipe can overcomegravity even with the specified slope, leaving a pool of condensate at thenext upturned elbow; do not transition between pipe diameters on horizontalvent runs – always place any reducing couplers in the vertical run)2. Ensure a trap is established as described below.3. When required, add (and maintain in good condition) a neutralization tank.1.5.1 Condensate TrapWhen installling the condensate trap, please take into account the following:• Must be piped to within 1” of a drain or be connected to a condensate pump.• Drainage line must slope down to the drain at a pitch of 1/4” per foot socondensate runs towards the trap• If necessary, the drain connection tee can be laid so the main axis ishorizontal; ensure the drain tee is as close as possible to the vent riser toavoid water bypass and pooling.• Most installers prefer to run the combustion air intake pipe alongside the vent,both to the left side of the boiler to keep the area right of the unit clear forsystem water piping.• Use the supplied PVC unions for easy access for cleaning. Locate on thevertical legs as per Figures 15 and 16. Earlier installations may have a singleunion at base of the trap (as shown in Figure 13).• Condensate traps should be checked every 2 months, and cleaned andrefilled as necessary.WARNINGIf condensates are to bedischarged into buildingdrain piping materials thatare subject to corrosion, aneutralization package mustbe used.WARNINGFill trap with water beforeboiler is first fired to preventexhaust fumes from enteringroom. Never operate theboiler unless the trap is filledwith water.Failure to comply will resultin severe personal injury ordeath.CAUTIONWhen a condensateneutralization packageis installed, the pH of thecondensate discharge mustbe measured on a regularschedule to ensure theneutralizing agent is activeand effective.1.5