CAUTION:Data processing environments can contain equipment transmitting on system links with laser modulesthat operate at greater than Class 1 power levels. For this reason, never look into the end of an opticalfiber cable or open receptacle. (C027)CAUTION:This product contains a Class 1M laser. Do not view directly with optical instruments. (C028)CAUTION:Some laser products contain an embedded Class 3A or Class 3B laser diode. Note the followinginformation: laser radiation when open. Do not stare into the beam, do not view directly with opticalinstruments, and avoid direct exposure to the beam. (C030)CAUTION:The battery contains lithium. To avoid possible explosion, do not burn or charge the battery.Do Not:v ___ Throw or immerse into waterv ___ Heat to more than 100°C (212°F)v ___ Repair or disassembleExchange only with the IBM-approved part. Recycle or discard the battery as instructed by localregulations. In the United States, IBM has a process for the collection of this battery. For information,call 1-800-426-4333. Have the IBM part number for the battery unit available when you call. (C003)Power and cabling information for NEBS (Network Equipment-Building System)GR-1089-COREThe following comments apply to the IBM servers that have been designated as conforming to NEBS(Network Equipment-Building System) GR-1089-CORE:The equipment is suitable for installation in the following:v Network telecommunications facilitiesv Locations where the NEC (National Electrical Code) appliesThe intrabuilding ports of this equipment are suitable for connection to intrabuilding or unexposedwiring or cabling only. The intrabuilding ports of this equipment must not be metallically connected to theinterfaces that connect to the OSP (outside plant) or its wiring. These interfaces are designed for use asintrabuilding interfaces only (Type 2 or Type 4 ports as described in GR-1089-CORE) and require isolationfrom the exposed OSP cabling. The addition of primary protectors is not sufficient protection to connectthese interfaces metallically to OSP wiring.Note: All Ethernet cables must be shielded and grounded at both ends.The ac-powered system does not require the use of an external surge protection device (SPD).The dc-powered system employs an isolated DC return (DC-I) design. The DC battery return terminalshall not be connected to the chassis or frame ground.x Power Systems: Installing the 5886 disk drive enclosure