v To perform a connection of two 5886 disk drive enclosures to a single SAS adapter by usingYO cables, where each enclosure can be attached to an additional 5886 disk drive enclosure byusing an EE cable, go to step 8f.v To perform a connection of two 5886 disk drive enclosures to a SAS adapter pair by using Xcables, where each enclosure can be attached to an additional 5886 disk drive enclosure byusing an EE cable, go to step 8g on page 12.v To perform a connection of one 5886 disk drive enclosure by using a YI cable to a system withsupport for a single SAS drawer, go to step 8h on page 13.If your SAS configuration requirements are not supported by any of these options, go to step 8ion page 14.e. Perform the connection of one 5886 disk drive enclosure (A) to a single SAS adapter (C) by usinga YO cable (B) as shown in Figure 11.Go to step 8i on page 14.f. Perform the connection of two 5886 disk drive enclosures (A and C) to a single SAS adapter (I) byusing YO cables (G and H), where each enclosure can be attached to an additional 5886 diskdrive enclosure (B and D) by using two EE cables (E and F) as shown in Figure 12 on page 12.Figure 11. Connection of one 5886 disk drive enclosure to a single SAS adapter by using a YO cableInstalling the 5886 disk drive enclosure: Details 11