Table 2. System board jumpers (continued)Jumper number Jumper name Jumper settingJP6 UEFI boot recovery jumper v Pins 1 and 2: Normal(default) - Loads theprimary server firmwareROM.v Pins 2 and 3: This enablesthe server to recovery ifthe server firmwarebecomes damaged.Notes:v If no jumper is present, the server responds as if the pins are set to 1 and 2.v Changing the position of the UEFI boot recovery jumper from pins 1 and 2 to pins 2 and3 before the server is turned on alters which flash ROM page is loaded. Do not changethe jumper pin position after the server is turned on. This can cause an unpredictableproblem.The following table describes the function of each pin on the SW6 switch block.Table 3. System board switchesSwitch pin number Default value Description1 Off Reserved.2 Off Power-on password override.Changing the position of thisswitch bypasses thepower-on password checkthe next time the server isturned on and starts theSetup utility so that you canchange or delete thepower-on password. You donot have to move the switchback to the default positionafter the power-on passwordis overridden.Changing the position of thisswitch does not affect theadministrator password checkif an administrator passwordis set.Attention: If you set anadministrator password andthen forget it, there is no wayto change, override, orremove it. You must replacethe system board.See “Passwords” on page110 for additional informationabout passwords.3 Off Reserved.26 System x3400 M2 Types 7836 and 7837: Installation and User’s Guide