DIMM description 1-27DIMM identification 1-27diskette connector 5-19diskette drive 1-9display (monitor) powermanagement 3-13display (monitor) self test 3-12displaysSee monitors (displays)Eerror codes 2-27error history, POST 1-26error messages 3-7ESD-sensitive parts, handling 4-16Ffax-back service A-1field replaceable units (FRUs) 7-1flash BIOS update procedure 1-15FRUs 7-1Ggeneral information 1-1Hhandling ESD-sensitive parts 4-16hard disk connectors 5-20hard disk drive 1-10hard disk drive check 2-47hard disk drive jumper settings 5-10hardware configurationchanges 1-18—1-22hardware interfaces 1-12I/O adapter cards 1-12monitors 1-12parallel 1-12serial 1-12USB 1-12history, POST errors 1-26Home Director 4-17Home Director technical service andsupport 4-17II/O adapter cards, interfaces 1-12IBM BIOS screen 3-2IBM-Online HelpCenter A-1IDE connector 5-10index of symptoms, messages, errorcodes, or beeps 2-9installed devices check 2-47Kkeyboard 1-11keyboard check 2-39keyboard connector 5-18LLatin America models, table B-6layoutsSee system board layoutSee system board layout, type A-2lithium battery, removing 4-14load number xxloading the advanced diagnosticsdiskette. 3-4loading the diagnostics and utilitiesCD 3-3locations, type A-1 system board 5-3locations, type A-2 system board 5-6Mmachine type - (SL-A) 1-6MAPsSee check proceduresmedia console cable connectors 5-16media console devices check 2-46memory 1-27memory check 2-37X-2All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com