2-33MouseNOTE: A sticking key button can cause the mouse to operate incorrectly. Ifyou suspect this, go to "Keyboard" on page 2-32.001 - STARTq Make sure that the mouse ball turns freely.q Make sure that the mouse plug connects properly.002 -q Power off the system unit.q Insert the diagnostics diskette into the diskette drive.q Power on the system unit.q Select Interactive Tests menu, then execute Mouse test.003 - DO YOU SEE THE MOUSE CURSOR IN THE DIAGNOSTICSPROGRAM? (YES, READ AHEAD. NO, GO TO STEP 011)q Test right (left) button and check if right (left) button works.004 - DOES THE MOUSE BUTTON WORK? (YES, READ AHEAD. NO,GO TO STEP 007)q Test mouse cursor movement.005 - DOES THE MOUSE MOVE SMOOTHLY AND KEEP X AND YCOORDINATES CHANGED? (YES, READ AHEAD. NO, GO TOSTEP 006)q Mouse is functioning normally.q End.006 -q Power off the system unit.q Open mouse bottom cover and clean track ball.q Go to step 002.007q Power off the system unit.q Check the mouse plug.