Check Procedures 2-35Device Presence by Diagnostics Program Test001 - START− Insert the Bootable Diagnostics Diskette into the diskette drive.− Power-off the system unit.− Power-on the system unit, and check for the following responses:1. One short beep after POST completed.2. Diagnostic program main menu screen.002 - DO ANY POST MESSAGES, ERROR CODES, BEEPS, ORSYMPTOMS APPEAR? (YES, READ AHEAD. NO, GO TOSTEP 003)− Go to "Index of Symptoms, Messages, Error Codes, or Beeps" onpage 2-7.003 -− Select Utility on the menu.− Select and execute Tech Support Form on the menu to generatea hardware configuration list.− Compare the Tech Support Form screen with the actual devicesinstalled in the system unit.Note: If necessary, remove the cover and visually compare thedevices installed in the system unit to those shown in theTech Support Form.004 - DOES THE TECH SUPPORT FORM CORRECTLY IDENTIFYTHE DEVICES INSTALLED IN THE SYSTEM UNIT? (YES,READ AHEAD. NO, GO TO STEP 005)− The Tech Support Form shows only those devices supported bythe Diagnostics Diskette and only factory-installed devices for themodel you are servicing.− If a device is missing from the list and is not factory installed, referto the service manual provided for that device. (Refer to theAppendix B, "Model/Monitor Configurations and FRU PartNumbers" to determine the factory-installed devices in the modelyou are servicing.)