Front controls and indicatorsThe primary controls on the front of the expansion unit areshown in the following illustration.Activity LEDDrive CRUTray handle LatchFault LEDPower on LEDGeneral systemerror LEDBlank tray fillerActivityLED:Each drive CRU has an Activity LED. Whenflashing, this green LED indicates driveactivity. When completely on, this greenLED indicates the drive is properly installed.Blanktrayfiller:Expansion units shipped without a full set ofdrives (10) contain blank trays in the unuseddrive bays. Before installing new drives, youmust remove the blank trays and save them.Each of the 10 bays must always containeither a blank tray or a drive CRU. Eachblank tray contains a filler piece for use witha slim-line drive.DriveCRU:You can install up to 10 hot-swap driveCRUs (customer replaceable units) in theexpansion unit. Each drive CRU consists ofa hard disk drive and tray.FaultLED:Each drive CRU has a Fault LED. When lit,this amber LED indicates a drive failure.When flashing, this amber LED indicatesthat a drive Identify or Rebuild process is inprogress.GeneralsystemerrorLED:When lit, this amber LED indicates that theunit has a fault, such as in a power supply,fan unit, or hard disk drive.Latch: This multipurpose blue latch releases orlocks the drive CRU in place.Power-onLED:When lit, this green light indicates that theunit has good dc power.Trayhandle:You can use this multipurpose handle toinsert and remove a drive CRU in the bay.102 IBM Netfinity EXP15, EXP200, EXP500 HMM