ESM boards user controlsGBIC output portLeverOutput bypass LEDID conflict LEDswitch ones place (x1)Over-temperature LEDFault LEDTray numberswitch tens place (x10)Tray numberPower LEDInput bypass LEDGBIC input portLeverGBIC input portLeverbypass LEDOInputPower LEDFault LEDver-temperature LEDTray numberswitch tens place (x10)Tray numberswitch ones place (x1)ID conflict LEDOut put bypass LEDGBIC output portLeverESM boardsESM boards: The environmental services monitor(ESM) boards contain the expansionunit controls, switches, and LEDs.Each ESM board has two GBICports for connecting the expansionunit to the controller.Fault LEDs: These amber LEDs light when anESM board failure occurs.GBIC inputports:The two GBIC input ports are forattaching the optional GBICs to theexpansion unit.GBIC outputports:The two GBIC output ports are forattaching the optional GBICs to theexpansion unit.The optional GBICs (input andoutput) are for attaching your opticalcables to the expansion unit, then tothe controller or additional expansionunits. Insert the GBICs in theexpansion unit GBIC ports andattach your FC cables to the GBICs,then connect the FC cables to thecontroller or additional expansionunits.ID conflictLEDs:These amber LEDs light if theexpansion unit tray ID settings forthe ESM boards do not match. Inthis case, the expansion unit usesthe tray number of the left ESMboard.Netfinity FAStT EXP500 - Type 3560 105