Appendix A. Getting started 313You are changing option dns.domainname which applies to both members of the cluster intakeover mode.This value must be the same in both cluster members prior to any takeover or giveback,or that next takeover/giveback may not work correctly.Sun May 6 03:41:01 GMT [n3300a:]: Option dns.domainnamechanged on one cluster node.n3300a> options dns.domainnamedns.domainname (value might be overwritten intakeover)3. Check that the DNS is already enabled by using the dns info command (Example A-19):options dns.enable onExample A-19 Enabling DNSn3300a> dns infoDNS is disabledn3300a>n3300a>n3300a> options dns.enable onSun May 6 03:50:06 GMT [n3300a: reg.options.overrideRc:warning]: Setting optiondns.enable to 'on' conflicts with /etc/rc that sets it to 'off'.** Option dns.enable is being set to "on", but this conflicts** with a line in /etc/rc that sets it to "off".** Options are automatically persistent, but the line in /etc/rc** will override this persistence, so if you want to make this change** persistent, you will need to change (or remove) the line in /etc/rc.You are changing option dns.enable which applies to both members ofthe cluster in takeover mode.This value must be the same in both cluster members prior to any takeoveror giveback, or that next takeover/giveback may not work correctly.Sun May 6 03:50:06 GMT [n3300a:]: Option dns.enablechanged on one cluster node.n3300a>n3300a>n3300a> dns infoDNS is enabledDNS caching is enabled0 cache hits0 cache misses0 cache entries0 expired entries0 cache replacementsIP Address State Last Polled Avg RTT Calls Errs------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO INFO 0 0 NO INFO 0 0 0Default domain: domains: