24 IBM Desktop System HMMIMPORTANT: These six items are for shadowingROM code on other expansion cards. Beforeyou set these parameters, you need to knowthe specific addresses of that ROM code. If youdo not know this information, enable all theROM shadow settings.C8000-CBFFF ShadowThe default is Disabled.CC000-CFFFF ShadowThe default is set to Disabled.D0000-D3FFF ShadowThe default is Disabled.D4000-D7FFF ShadowThe default is Disabled.D8000-DBFFF ShadowThe default is Disabled.DC000-DFFFF ShadowThe default is set to Disabled.Power Management SetupACPI functionThe ACPI (Advanced Configuration and PowerInterface) feature enables the operating system tomonitor and control the amount of power supplied toeach device attached to the system. When enabled,ACPI uses the OS (operating system) to turn off theperipheral devices (such as a CD-ROM) that are notin use. The default setting is Enabled.APMPower ManagementThis parameter allows you to select the type (ordegree) of power saving such as User Define, Min.Saving, and Max. Saving as well as is directlyeffected on the following modes HDD Power Down,Doze Mode and Suspend Mode.