Check Procedures 55NOTE: If you cannot access the hard disk drive orload a diskette from Drive A or load a CD fromthe CD-ROM drive, make sure that theConfiguration/Setup Utility has the startupsequence set with diskette, CD ROM, and harddisk drives.001 - START• Insert the diagnostics diskette into the diskettedrive.• Power-off then power-on the system unit.002 - DO ANY POST MESSAGES, ERRORCODES, BEEPS, OR SYMPTOMS OCCUR? (YES,READ AHEAD. NO, GO TO STEP 003)• Go to “Index of Symptoms, Messages, ErrorCodes, or Beeps” on page 38.• End.003 -• Select Utility from the menu.• Select and execute Tech Support Form from themenu to generate a system configuration report.• Compare the system configuration list with theactual devices installed in system.NOTE: If necessary, remove the cover and visuallycompare the devices installed in the systemunit to those shown in the Tech Support Form.004 - IF THE NUMBER OF DISKETTE, HARDDISK, OR CD-ROM DRIVE IS NOT CORRECT,READ AHEAD; OR GO TO STEP 005.• Check the cable installation of all disk drives.(See“System Board Jumpers and Connectors” on page109)- Diskette drive should be connected to the systemboard connector CN14.- IDE Primary Channel Master and Slave Drives inConfiguration/Setup Utility should be connectedto the system board connector CN13.- IDE Secondary Channel Master and SlaveDrives in Configuration/Setup Utility should beconnected to the system board connector CN12.