ALTERData is entered one hex digit at a time by using the spacebar to skip over positions not being altered.The data in theskipped-over positions remains unchanged and prints outeach time the spacebar is oper~ted.To end the alter operation, press the ALTER/DISPLAYor END key.Note: When the operation is ended by the ALTER/DISPLAYkey, the PR-KB remains in alter/display mode (ALTER/DISPLAY MODE indicator on).When the operation is ended by the END key, alter/displaymode is terminated.For alter/display of general and floating-point registers, awraparound occurs (F to a for general registers, and 6 to afor floating-point registers).When addressing main storage, either a word or byteaddress may be used. If the starting address is not on a wordboundary, the PR-KB spaces and aligns at the byte addressed.DISPLAYData is printed starting at the address specified and con-tinues until the ALTER/DISPLAY or END key is pressed.Operating Procedures 49I