HANDLING ABNORMAL SITUATIONSINTRODUCTIONThis section can assist you to determine whether a problemexists, and how to handle and report the specific type oferror you encounter.Operator investigation and reporting of abnormal situa-tions reduces overall system down time. The followingfacilities are used to investigate abnormal situations.1. Flowcharts (in this section)2. PR-KB messages3. System control panel switches and indicators4. Automatic system checkout program (ASCP).The flowcharts in this section can help you analyzeproblems that cannot be rectified immediately. Thesecharts provide systematic checks that help identify ahardware problem from a software or operational problem.When using the flowcharts, always start with the"Introductory Flowchart." This is an overview of the fourmajor type problems that can be encountered. When usedproperly, it leads your to a specific problem flow.You may be able to correct the problem yourself andthus eliminate system down time. Any information yougather can assist your service representative and shortensystem down time.The flowcharts may direct you to examine PR-KB mes-sages or system indicators and switches. If you are directedto run ASCP, examine the reliability printout and relay allpertinent information to the dispatcher when you placea call for service.Handling Abnormal Situations 83I