Reliability Report ExampleREPORT 08-lndicates the. number of reports since thestart of the test.0001 MIN, 40 SEC-Indicatesthe elapsed time since the lastreport.CLOCK=OO/OO/OO-Indicatesclock setting at time of report. r-____-..REPORT 08 0001 rHN, 40 SECCLOCK=OO/OO/OOI/O BLOCKS-Indicates thetotal number of I/O blocks run.CPU-Indicates the number ofoperations and failures againsteach class of CPU test.I/O UNITS-Itemizes informa-tion about the I/O units (seechart).ADDRESS Unit address of the deviceBLOCKS OPERATED FAILEDI/O 000529 000013CPUFIXED PT 005371FLOAT PT 001020DEC It1 ALOa a6 1 2000000000000000000I/O UNITSADDRESS CLAS00001F TY000190 DS000191 DS000193 DS000280 TP000281 TP000282 TP000283 TPBLOCKSOPER FAIL0000 00000058 00000059 00000057 00130355 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000ACUM NOTSTAT RDY ROYOEOO~ ERROR*Notes:CE,DE,lICK1. This line indicates the failingdevice. Give the information onthis line to the dispatcher whenyou call for service.2. The maximum acceptable errorpercentage varies with the I/Odevice media used. The percent-age figure should be arrived atthrough discussion with yourservice representative.CLAS Denotes the class of the unit (TP=Tape)OPER Indicates the number of I/O blocks run by this unitFAIL Number of failures for the unitACUM STAT Total status accumulated by the unit since the last reportNOT ROY Indicates a change of unit status to not readyROY Indicates a change of unit status to ready*CHAN ERROR* Error against the channel*CU ERROR* Error against the control unit*UNIT ERROR* Error against the unit78