ServeRAID-MR10is SAS/SATA controller. For instructions on how to install theServeRAID-MR10is SAS/SATA controller, see the User's Guide.Note: Note: The onboard RAID controller will be disabled by BIOS when theServeRAID-MR10is SAS/SATA controller is installed in the server.vv The server scans the onboard SAS/SATA controller, PCI Express slot 1, PCI-Xslots 4 and 5, PCI-Express slots 2 and 3, onboard Ethernet controllers, and PCIslot 6 to assign system resources. Then, the server starts the devices in thefollowing order, if you have not changed the default startup sequence: PCIExpress slot 1, PCI-X slots 4 and 5, PCI Express slot 2, PCI slot 6, and PCIExpress slot 3.Note: You can change the sequence in which the server start (boot) the devicesusing the Start Options menu choice from the Configuration/Setup Utilityprogram main menu. See the User’s Guide for detailed information aboutusing the Configuration/Setup Utility program.v For a list of supported options for the server, see install an adapter, complete the following steps:1. Read the safety information that begins on page v and “Installation guidelines”on page 9.2. Turn off the server and peripheral devices and disconnect all external cablesand power cords; then, remove the side cover. See “Removing the side cover”on page 12.3. Follow the cabling instructions that come with the adapter to set jumpers orswitches, if there are any. Route the adapter cables before you install theadapter.4. Rotate the front and rear adapter-retention brackets to the open (unlocked)position.5. Remove the screw that secures the expansion-slot cover to the chassis. Storethe expansion-slot cover and screw in a safe place for future use.Note: Expansion-slot covers must be installed on all vacant slots. Thismaintains the electronic emissions standards of the server and ensuresproper ventilation of server components.6. Touch the static-protective package that contains the adapter to any unpaintedmetal surface on the server. Then, remove the adapter from thestatic-protective package. Avoid touching the components and gold-edgeconnectors on the adapter.7. If you are installing a full-length adapter, remove the blue adapter guide (if any)from the end of the adapter; then, lift the adapter-retention clip on theadapter-support bracket.Chapter 2. Installing options 29