Note:This computer has Enhanced Security Mode. If Enhanced Security mode is enabled andthere is no password set, the computer will act as if Enhanced Security is disabled.If Enhanced Security is Enabled and an administrator password is set, the administratorpassword must be entered to use the computer. If the administrator password is lost orforgotten, the system board in the computer must be replaced in order to regain access tothe Configuration/Setup Utility program.Administrator password controlThe Administrator password is set in the Setup Configuration. Refer to “Startingthe IBM Setup Utility program” on page 19.Operating system passwordAn operating system password is very similar to a power-on password and deniesaccess to the computer by an unauthorized user when the password is activated.The computer is unusable until the password is entered and recognized by thecomputer.Erasing a lost or forgotten password (clearing CMOS)This section applies to lost or forgotten passwords. For more information aboutlost or forgotten passwords, go to Access IBM.Note: Some models have a POV daughter card installed on the system board. Inthese models, the password is stored in the EEPROM on the POV card andcannot be erased. See “Identifying parts on the system board” on page 28for the location of the POV card.To erase a forgotten password:1. Refer to “Identifying parts on the system board” on page 282. Locate the Clear CMOS/BIOS recovery jumper on the system board. See“Identifying parts on the system board” on page 283. Move the jumper from the standard position (pins 1 and 2) to themaintenance or configure position (pins 2 and 3).4. Install the PCI riser and adapters if removed.5. Lower the drives and reconnect any cables that were disconnected.6. Close the cover and connect the power cable. See “Closing the cover andconnecting the cables” on page 46.7. Restart the computer, leave it on for approximately 10 seconds, and then turnoff the computer.8. Repeat step 1.9. Move the CMOS/BIOS recovery jumper back to the standard position (pins 1and 2).10. Reassemble the computer and close the cover. See “Closing the cover andconnecting the cables” on page 46.Vital product dataEach computer has a unique Vital Product Data (VPD) code stored in thenonvolatile memory on the system board. After you replace the system board, theVPD must be updated. To update the VPD, see “Flash update procedures” on page148.146 Hardware Maintenance Manual