5. Complete the following steps to restart the management module:a. In the navigation pane, click MM Control → Restart MM.b. Click Restart.c. Click OK to confirm.d. Restarting the management module ends the current Web-basedmanagement and configuration program session. Click Yes to end thesession.You can now use an SSH client to start a secure Telnet session with themanagement module and secure SOL sessions with the blade servers.Configuring the Gigabit Ethernet controllerOne dual-port Gigabit Ethernet controller is integrated on the blade server systemboard. Each controller port provides a 1000-Mbps full-duplex interface forconnecting to one of the Ethernet-compatible switch modules in I/O bays 1 and 2,which enables simultaneous transmission and reception of data on the Ethernetlocal area network (LAN). Each Ethernet-controller port on the system board isrouted to a different switch module in I/O bay 1 or bay 2. The routing from theEthernet-controller port to the I/O bay will vary according to whether an Ethernetadapter is enabled and the operating system that is installed. See “Blade serverEthernet controller enumeration” for information about how to determine the routingfrom the Ethernet-controller ports to I/O bays for your blade server.Note: Other types of blade servers, such as the BladeCenter HS20 Type 8678, thatare installed in the same BladeCenter unit as this BladeCenter JS20 Type8842 might have different requirements for Ethernet controller routing. Seethe documentation that comes with the other blade servers for detailedinformation.You do not have to set any jumpers or configure the controllers for the blade serveroperating system. However, you must install a device driver to enable the bladeserver operating system to address the Ethernet-controller ports. For device driversand information about configuring your Ethernet-controller ports, see the Ethernetsoftware documentation that comes with your blade server, or contact your IBMmarketing representative or authorized reseller. For updated information aboutconfiguring the controllers, go to the IBM Support Web site athttp://www.ibm.com/pc/support/.Blade server Ethernet controller enumerationThe enumeration of the Ethernet controllers or controller ports in a blade server isoperating-system dependent. You can verify the Ethernet controller or controller portdesignations that a blade server uses through your operating-system settings.The routing of an Ethernet controller or controller port to a particular BladeCenterunit I/O bay depends on the type of Ethernet expansion card that is installed. Youcan verify which Ethernet-controller port in this blade server is routed to which I/Obay by using the following test:1. Install only one Ethernet switch module or pass-thru module, in I/O bay 1.2. Make sure that the ports on the switch module or pass-thru module are enabled(Switch Tasks → Management → Advanced Switch Management in theBladeCenter management-module Web interface).54 BladeCenter JS20 Type 8842: Installation and User’s Guide