Reference Code Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging Failing Items Failing Item512E System LIC program exception occurredThe system was in a D IPL mode when the problem was detected. A mainstorage dump was not taken.Perform LIC-PIP1.AJDG301FI001305206 System LIC detected a missing IOP LIC code loadSystem LIC detected a missing IOP LIC code load during IPL of the IOP.This indicates that either the IOP code load is not installed on the systemload source device or that system LIC was unable to successfully read thatload from the load source device.Perform LIC-PIP1.UG3USR15209 System LIC detected an IOP timeout during IOP IPLVerify that all IOP cable connections are secure, and check tape and othernon-disk devices and media to verify that they are in a ready state.Perform LIC-PIP1.UG3USR1FI00130AJDG3015219 System LIC program exception occurredAn IOP signalled to system LIC that it had entered a critical internal state.LIC automatically attempted to restart the IOP.This reference code is logged for information only. No action is required.FI00310FI00318FI00065FI00130AJDG3015275 The system issued a reset/reload to the IOP.System Licensed Internal Code detected that an IOP Reset/Reload hasoccurred, and that the IOP sucessfully recovered.Users who were signed on to a Workstation device under the IOP will needto sign back on. Any LAN/WAN communications lines under the IOP willneed to be restarted. Tape/Optical devices under the IOP may need to bevaried back on.To determine the cause of the IOP Reset/Reload, check the ProductActivity Log for additional entries logged with the same System Log ID,and perform any actions indicated for those errors.5276 IOP Reset was issuedLIC has detected a problem with the Service Processor IOP and has reset itbut has not initiated reload of the Service Processor.If the load source is mirrored, some system operations may be able tocontinue normally. However, some system service operations have beensuspended and the system should be scheduled for power down as soon aspossible.Perform a system IPL. If the IPL is successful, then perform LIC-PIP1 todetermine the cause of the problem.If the system IPL is not successful, perform the action described in the newSRC.AJGLD01AJDG301FI000215310 System LIC program exception occurredSystem LIC detected a logical partition configuration data consistency error.Copy the Product Activity Log data for this error and any related entriesand contact your next level of hardware service support.LPARSUPB6xx (including A6xx)System Reference Codes 273