NOTE: Before tightening toggle bolts and wood screw,make sure the bottom of the mounting plate touch theand that the plate is properly centered under the cabinet.CAUTION:the back of the mounting plate and the wall.4. Tighten all bolts. Pull the plate away from the wall tohelp tighten the bolts.A2. USE TOP CABINET TEMPLATE FOR PREPA-RATION OF TOP CABINETYou need to drill holes for the top support screws, a hole largeenough for the power cord to fit through, and a cutout largeenough for the exhaust adaptor.CABINET TEMPLATE.CAUTION:in the cabinet bottom.A3. ADAPTING MICROWA VE BLOWER FOROUTSIDE TOP EXHAUSTENA1. ATTACH THE MOUNTING PLATE TO THE WALL1. Place the microwave in its upright position, with the topof the unit facing up.Blower PlateBack ofMicrowaveBlower MotorScrewRemove the screw that holds the blower plate to the microwave. Remove and save the screw holding the blowermotor to the microwave.2. Carefully pull out the blower unit. The wires will extendfar enough to allow you to adjust the blower unit.End BBack ofMicrowave3. Roll the blower unit 90° so that fan blade openings arefacing out the top of the microwave.Before RotationBack ofMicrowaveBack ofMicrowaveAfter Rotation4. Place the blower unit back into the opening.AFTER: Fan BladeOpenings Facing TopBack ofMicrowaveCAUTION: Do not pull or stretch the blower unit wiring.Make sure the wires are not pinched, and that they areproperly secured.5. Secure blower unit to microwave with the screw removed in Step 1. Make sure the screw is tight.6. Replace blower plate with the screw removed in Step 1.Make sure the screw is tight.12