FRPart No.:A1772540922277:.oNtraP3/8" TOEDGENOTE: IT IS VERY IMPORTANTTOREAD ANDFOLLOW THE DIRECTIONSIN THE I NSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONSBEFORE PROCEEDINGWITH THISREAR WALL TEMPLATE.This R ear Wal l Templ at e ser ves t o posi tio n the bottommounti ng pl at e and t o l ocate t he hori zontal exh austout l et .1. Use a l evel to c heck t hat the t emplat e is p ositi onedaccur at ely .2. Loca t e and mar k at le ast o ne s t ud on the l eft o rri ght sid e of t he center line .I t is impor tant t o use a t l east one woodscr ew mount ed firm l y in a st ud to sup port the weigh tof t he mi crowave. Mark two a dditi onal , evenl y s pacedlo cat ions for t he s uppli ed to ggl e bol ts.3. Dril l holes i n t he mar ked lo cat i ons. Where ther e isa stu d, dr ill a 3/1 6" hole f or wood screws. For hole st hat do not l in e up with a s t ud, d r i l l 5/ 8" hole s fo rt oggle bol t s.DO NOT IN STALL THE MOUNTI NGPLATEAT THIS TI ME.4. Remove the t emplat e f r om the r ear wall .5. Review the I nst allat io n I nst ru ctio n book fo r you rin stallat i on si t uati on.Locate an d mar k holes to a l ig n wi th hol es in themount ing pla te .IMPORTANT:LOCATE ATLEAST ONE STUDON EITHER SIDE OFTHECENTERLINE.MARK THELOCATIONFOR 2 ADDITIONAL, EVENLYSPACED TOGGLE BOLTS IN THE MOUNTING PLATEAREA.Locat e and mar k h ole s t o a lig n with hol es in themount ing pla te.IMPORTANT:LOCATE AT LEAST ONE STUD ON EITHER SIDE OFTHE CENTERLINE.MARK THELOCATION FOR2 ADDITIONAL, EVENLYSPACED TOGGLE BOLTS IN THEMOUNTING PLATEAREA.Trim the rea r wal l templ ate a long th e dott ed line .Trim the rear wall t emplateal ongth e dott ed l in e.12"4"Darle vuelta a l a hoj a par a consulta r l aversi ón en Español .3/ 8" TOEDGENOTE: IT IS V ERY IMPORTANT TOREADAND FOLLOWTHE DIRECTIONSIN T HE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSBEFORE PROCEEDINGWITH THISREARWALL TEMPLATE.This Rear Wall Templ at e ser ves to posi t i on the b ot tommount i ng pl ate and t o locat e t he h orizon t al exhaustoutlet .1. Use a lev el t o c heck t hat t he templ at e i s posit i onedacc ur at el y.2. Locat e and mar k at least o ne s t ud on t he l eft orrig ht si de of t he cent erl i ne.I t i s i mpor t ant t o use a t l east one woodscrew mount ed fi r mly i n a stu d t o support the wei ghtof the micr owave. Mar k t wo addi t io nal, evenly spacedl ocat i ons f or t he s uppli ed to ggle bo lt s.3. Dr i l l hol es i n t he mar ked l ocat i ons. Wher e th ere i sa s t ud, dr i l l a 3/ 16" hol e for wood screws. For h ole stha t do not l i ne up wi t h a stu d, d r i ll 5/8 " hol es fo rtog gl e bol t s.DONOT INSTALL THE MOUNTI NGPLATEAT T HIS TI ME.4. Remove the t emplate f r om the r ear wall .5. Rev i ew t he In sta l l ation In str uct i on book f or yourins t al l at i on si t uati on.Locat e and mark holes to al ig n with ho les in th emounting plat e.IMPORTANT:LOCATE AT LEASTONE STUDONEI THER SIDE OFTHE CENTERLI NE.MARK THE LOCATI ON FOR 2 ADDITIONAL, EVENLYSPACEDTOGGLE BOLTS I N THE MOUNTINGPLATEAREA.Locat e and mark holes to al ig n with ho les in th emounting plat e.IMPORTANT:LOCATE AT LEASTONE STUDONEI THER SIDE OFTHE CENTERLINE.MARK THE LOCATION FOR2 ADDITIONAL, EVENLYSPACED TOGGLEBOLTS INT HE MOUNTINGPLATEAREA.Trim t he rear wa ll templ ate a l ong the dotted l i ne.Trim the r ear wall template al ong the dot ted l i ne.12"4"Darle vuelta a la hoja para consultar laversión en Español.A1772541066 |
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