142.7 SeatsYour trike will have been supplied with a mesh or hard-shell seat. There will be 2 plastic clips on the tube onthe underside of the seat, and a top seat mount clipped to the back face of the seat near the top2.7a Mesh SeatThe mesh seat is supplied with the coverinstalled, but not tightened. Tighten thebottom 5 straps so they are tight. The restof the straps can be adjusted to yourpreference after you sit on the trike. Agood starting point is to tighten themgently by pulling the strap held onlybetween your thumb and forefinger. Becareful about over-tightening the strapson the back of the seat; too loose is morecomfortable than too tight. When all thestraps are adjusted, tuck the loose tailsinto the clips so they don’t flap about.2.7b Assembling the seat – hard-shell seatThe hard-shell seat comes fully assembled except for the optional ‘Love Handles’. These should be installedand adjusted for width by loosening the bolts and sliding them to the required position. To install thebreathable cover, remove the protective paper from the double-faced tape on the seat, put the Ventisit coverin place and press firmly over the taped areas. The cover will stick in place sufficiently to stop it from slidingaround. The cover can be removed and replaced many times before the tape becomes non-sticky.2.8 Fit the seatIf you have an ‘Adventure’, you will needto raise the seat mount extension. Putthe mounting bolts in the position shownin the photo to the right, and tighten.Place the seat onto the trike, fitting thelower seat rail into the seat mount cupon the frame. Slide the plastic clipsalong the lower seat rail and over theseat mount. Tighten the small knobsuntil the clamps are tight (the seat willstill be able to pivot on the mount. Thenuts do not need to be screwed rightdown. They are there to prevent theknob from being unwound too far andfalling out.Loosen the quick release at the top ofthe rear section (or seat mountextension, if fitted) . Slide the arms ofthe top seat mount over the quickrelease and tighten the quick release tohold the seat in position.